Εικαστικό για τη συναυλία της Nalyssa Green στο ΚΠΙΣΝ

Listen to the recorded concert of Nalyssa Green:

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The recording will remain available on the SNFCC website.

On the last evening of May 2019, along with Nalyssa Green, we sang goodbye to spring and got ready for the arrival of summer, with a concert at Panoramic Steps.

Self-taught on keyboards, guitar, accordion and theremin, Nalyssa Green is a composer, songwriter and singer active in the Greek indie music scene since the late 2000s. She has released three albums and since 2014 she has composed original music for the theater. Spanning a wide range of pop styles, Nalyssa Green's musical identity is characterized by evocative vocals and prominent electronic sounds.

In autumn 2018, her first Greek-language album, Bloom, was released, playing on the contrasting concepts of sinking and blooming. In SNFCC, Nalyssa Green and her band unraveled the singer-songwriter’s musical universe, reminding us that "summer will be back to take us by the hand."


A warm thank you to the musicians of the concert:

Miss Trichromi, keyboards, vocals
Katerina Papachristou, bass, keyboards, vocals
Evankelos Aslanidis, drums, drum pad
Eleftherios Volanis, guitar, bass


Sound engineer: View Master Films
Mixing/mastering: Giorgos Mantas

See also