Members Events: Theater Design - The Tools of Transformation - Εικόνα

Theater – the reflection of life in the mirror of imagination – conjures through its magic filters figures of mortals, gods and demons, in a wonderful, inexhaustible variety. Recognizable everyday beings, creatures deformed by extreme emotions – tragic, majestic, terrifying, dangerous, idiosyncratic, eccentric, funny, ridiculous, cute, fantastical. Deities, titans, heroes, tyrants, elves, spirits, satyrs, beauties, monsters, birds, frogs, dragons, witches, jesters, cunning servants, arrogant masters, loving couples, perpetrators and victims.

What is our own visual understanding of a play? How do we approach and flesh out a part? What do we imagine it to look like? How do we nurture imagination and harness its transformative power creatively? How can art and nature help in this? How do we encourage sensitivity and freedom, which children naturally display during playtime? What would our imaginary stage set, our imaginary actors, our own theater production look like?

By mixing up images, materials and props, we will develop our own vision for characters that are very different in style and personality, in space and time from each other.

Design-Implementation: Angelos Mentis


Tuesday 07/05 | 17.00 - 20.00

Up to 20 participants per workshop
Free admission via online preregistration

Preregistrations links are provided to Members via the SNFCC Members Newsletter.


See also

08/05, 15/05, 22/05, 29/05

Members Events: Fit Members


Tuesday 28/05, 17:00

Members Events: Gardens and Their Secrets - The Countryside Garden


14/05, 21/05

Members Events: Spring Jewellery made of dried blossoms
