Εικαστικό εργαστήριο: Γεωγραφίες υφασμάτων  - Εικόνα

In the context of the outdoor installation Return to Sender by the African art collective NEST, the SNFCC invites children to participate in a group activity aimed at mapping the geographies of clothes discarded across the globe. 

Through a treasure hunt in the Mediterranean Garden, children will create a global map of textile waste landfills that will reveal the most polluted areas of the planet, thus becoming aware of the true scale of the problem beyond the boundaries of our world. 

Design - Implementation: Artemis Papageorgiou, Entropika Lab 

Saturday 06/05, 17.30-19.30

Saturday 10/06, 18.30-20.30

Tuesday 11/07, 19.00-21.00

For children aged 9 to 12 
Up to 20 participants 
Free admission; online preregistration required

For the workshop on 06/05, pre-registration starts on 01/05 at 12.00
For the workshop on 10/06, pre-registration starts on 05/06 at 12.00
For the workshop on 11/07, pre-registration starts on 04/07 at 12.00


See also

Wednesday 26/04, 06:00

The NEST Collective, Return to Sender


Saturday 29/04, 11:00

Creative Workshop: The strange life of materials
