Movies... All night long

Under the full moon of August, also known as the Sturgeon Moon, on the first day of the month, the SNFCC’s Great Lawn is hosting a cinematic marathon. Two animated dogs discover love while eating spaghetti under the moonlight; a misunderstood man who is persecuted by half the people of Manhattan can’t wait until dawn to find deliverance; an insomniac gets into an entire night of trouble with the outlaws of Los Angeles; an American college boy suffers a mysterious bite which, combined with the full moon, makes him see life from a... bestial viewpoint; and an undead Count thirsts for blood which he must get before the first rays of the sun appear and he must return to his coffin. What a night!   

Screenings Curation: Elias Fragoulis


Silent Disco party

The SNFCC Mediterranean Garden is hosting a different kind of party, featuring lots of music, no speakers, fluo make-up and many wireless headphones! Two DJs are mixing live various different kinds of music, and the audience chooses what to hear on their headphones at the touch of a button. An original mode of expression where all together (and each one alone) dance and have fun at an outdoor club where, once the headphones come off, absolute silence reigns. 


Game Zone

Discover the world of team games and experience fascinating moments with your family and friends. 


Water Bikes

Enjoy an idyllic boating experience under the moonlight, at one of the most representative spots of the SNFCC. 


Evening Hatha Yoga Class

The session will include breathing exercises (pranayama), light to moderate exercise through Asanas (body postures), and relaxation. The class is structured so that we may physically relax our body and release excess energy, in order to prepare for the meditation that will follow. It is essentially a dialog/meditation with our own body. We will recognize our body’s limitations, negotiate them through breathing, and experience the positive effects of Asanas. 


Full Moon Meditation

The moon is related to the liquid element and our psyche. The element of water represents our second energy center, the Svadhisthana chakra, which is located around the lower belly. 
Another energy center of our body that stands in a conjugate relationship to the Svadhisthana is Ajna (the sixth energy center, or the second if we count from the head down). The experience of nature that balances this center is gazing at the starry sky. 


Morning Hatha Yoga Class

The session will begin with mild body stretching, followed by some body postures (Asanas) that will balance our energy, before being concluded with a series of “sun salutations” (a combination of body postures in continuity/flow, a type of mild aerobic exercise that activates the body).


Sun Meditation

The sun is the life-giving force of the world we live in. In addition, the Sun symbolizes/represents the spiritual source of energy. Meditation in the sun has a cleansing, purifying effect. It restores/recalibrates the basic characteristics we have been given by nature; it works like a kind of “reset”. The rays of light, as “cosmic stem cells,” contain the entire DNA of existence. Light has the capacity to “burn down” all negativity, heal us, comfort us, provide warmth, activate us, inspire us, empower us to become the creators of our dreams. 
