Art Game: The spider who traveled the world

How is such a massive sculpture constructed? What material is it made of? How is it transported? As is, or taken apart in pieces? And how is it reassembled afterwards? Does it fit inside museums, or do some have to place it outdoors? How many countries have hosted the giant spider thus far? With what other significant artworks has it come into contact during its travels? Did Louise Bourgeois always accompany her spider everywhere? When did Bourgeois make her first spider? Have you seen the spider in any other part of the world? What happened at the Guggenheim? 

Art Game: The spider who traveled the world - Εικόνα

Visual Arts Workshop: The microcosm of insects, a work of art

In this workshop, we will discover the magical world of insects, through a journey of observation into the ecosystems of our planet, focusing on their microcosm which lives in harmony with elements of nature.

Visual Arts Workshop: The microcosm of insects, a work of art - Εικόνα

Visual Arts Workshop: Strange is “cool”

Creativity, imagination and ingenuity are our main tools for this workshop, in which we will be exploring the fascinating world of the Peculiar. Our guide to this exploration will be artist Louise Bourgeois.

Visual Arts Workshop: Strange is “cool” - Εικόνα

Drawing Workshop: Perceptive Lines

As a kind of secret journaling, drawing was a daily ritual for Louise Bourgeois, and an important part of her artistic practice. Using ink, watercolor and pencil, she would capture her innermost thoughts and experiences in pictures and words, giving shape to her emotions, thus bidding farewell to the complex memories and images of her past that were surfacing in her conscience, swathed in strong emotions. Her first spider drawings were created in the late 1940s, while 50 years later they transformed into gigantic three-dimensional spiders made of bronze and steel.

Εργαστήριο σχεδίου: Διορατικές γραμμές  - Εικόνα