Qigong 50+ - Εικόνα

As sports activities take place outdoors, in case of adverse weather conditions they may be canceled or relocated. For more information (possible relocation of the activities or cancellation due to weather conditions), stay tuned to our website or contact us at 216 8091000. 

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice aimed at improving physical health through slow, gentle movements and controlled breathing. It is recommended for people aged 50 and over, as it enhances balance and inner peace, while improving the coordination of physical movements and breathing.

Design-Implementation: Regeneration & Progress

Tuesday 5, 12, 19, 26/7 | 19.00-20.15


For ages 50 and over
Up to 30 participants

Free admission on a first-come-first-served basis 

Due to public health measures, there may be changes regarding either the staging of the event, or the maximum number of participants.

See also

Saturday 19/06, 08:30

SNFCC Running Team


Monday 14/06, 08:30

Yoga in the Park


Monday 14/06, 08:30

Basic Pilates Mat
