Φωτογραφία από γλυπτό του Ζογγολόπουλου στο Κέντρο Πολιτισμού Ίδρυμα Σταύρος Νιάρχος

Is it balanced, or not? Does it fly or stay still?
How can a composition of planes and volumes fly?

Exploring urban space becomes an exciting journey guided by George Zongolopoulos’ sculptures. Children become familiar with key concepts related to space, the city, architecture, habitation, materials, and learn about floating, movement and balance.

How can a composition of planes and volumes fly? Children make multiplane sculptures in different materials and explore scale and movement in space in the city.

Design-Implementation: Athens Super Script


Saturday 06/04, 12.00-13.30

For children 6-10 years old
Up to 20 participants per workshop 
Free admission by online pre-registration (the workshop is conducted in Greek)


See also

Saturday 13/04, 17:00

Sculpture? Child’s Play!


Saturday 20/04, 11:30

We Create Art All Together: Let's Look Behind Geometry
