For 1st to 3rd Grades 

Students will compose their own forest, an installation made of recyclable materials, accompanied by sounds of nature that will transport them to the environs of an actual forest. 
They will represent the connection and communication of trees based on the theory of the “language of trees,” or the “Wood Wide Web”. This theory maintains that forests create communities where trees communicate with each other and exchange nutrients through their roots in order to sustain a balanced local ecosystem.
The objective is to understand the importance of forest conservation and biodiversity through an original creative experience that combines theoretical knowledge with the aesthetics of art.

Design: Michalitsa Kozakopoulou, visual artist 
Implementation: Michalitsa Kozakopoulou, visual artist / Dorina Fountoulaki, visual artist

Monday and Friday at 9:00 and 11:00 (duration 90’)